Origin Sake

The ancient bodaimoto method of preparing the yeast starter traces its roots back to the Shorakuji temple on the mountain of Bodaisen in Nara prefecture. As this technique predates even the kimoto school of brewing, a collective that includes both kimoto and yamahai, it can be regarded as the precursor for any technique that utilises a process of natural fermentation to produce lactic acid. However, although bodaimoto also relies on the same process, the method by which this is achieved differs significantly enough for it to warrant its own separate category.
Whereas these previous two methods are made by mixing water with koji and steamed rice before waiting for the lactic acid bacteria to ferment and produce lactic acid, a bodaimoto starter has sufficient levels present from the time it is first mashed. This is achieved through an additional stage whereby uncooked rice is first mixed with water until sufficient levels of lactic acid are present. The uncooked rice is then drained from the mixture and utilised later in the process. The product of this stage is known as soyashimizu, which is then mixed together with steamed rice and koji in the same way as the more modern kimoto methods. As a result of this, bodiamoto can actually be also regarded as the prototype to the modern sokujo method which of course has cultured lactic acid added at the initial mashing stage.